HAMS/HAHS PBIS Advanced Tiers training, Day 3 of 3
Title: PBIS Advanced Tiers training, Day 3 of 3
Details: Participants will continue to develop plans for implementation within their Tier 2 team; assess current interventions and align core features in their program. Fidelity measures will be discussed and used to guide next steps.
Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 8:00am-3:00pm
Location: TIU Main Office, Room TBD
Wednesday, March 5
Elementary PBIS Advanced Tiers training, Day 2 of 2
Title: PBIS Advanced Tiers training, Day 2 of 2
Details: Participants will continue to learn how to conceptualize Tier 2 in a Multi-tiered System of Supports; work with their newly created Tier 2 team; assess current interventions and develop core features in their program. Participants will use their recently created action plan to guide next steps of implementation.
Date: March 7, 2025
Time: 8:00am-3:00pm
Location: TIU Main Office, Room TBD
Friday, March 7
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs)
Instructor(s): Peney Wright, Eric Yoder
Description of Activity: All of central Pennsylvania is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and there are five other watersheds that our state impact. Pennsylvania is committed to protecting these precious natural resources. A water shed is land area whose runoff drains into any river, stream, lake, and/or ocean. However, runoff from fields, lawns, pavement, and construction sites could carry potentially harmful materials from our watersheds to our rivers, bays and oceans. Even if you live, work, or play far from a river, your actions could have an impact on the quality of the water in many areas. Grants are available to fund MWEEs.
What is a MWEE?
A MWEE is…students exploring real world issues…in the field and in the classroom…students using evidence to draw conclusions and… take action! MWEEs use project-based methods, as well as, student voice and choice to engage learners in Local Issues Definition and Research, Outdoor Field Experiences, Synthesis and Conclusion, all leading towards Stewardship and Civic Action. These essential 4 student supporting practices are structured by active teacher support, local context, classroom integration and sustained activity.
Environmental Education and Advocate Stakeholders urge all school districts to engage learners in at least one MWEE in elementary, one MWEE in middle school and one MWEE in high school. MWEEs support the STEELS Standards. During MWEE Session #1 we’ll
walk you through a MWEE in action. In Session #2 we will spend most of the day engaging is an Outdoor Field Experience. There will be time during the second session for preliminary planning for your own MWEE.
Prerequisite: Online MWEE 101 Course
Asynchronous work: One MWEE unit plan must be completed within 30 after the workshop.
Audience: all PreK-12 educators, library/media specialists, STEM Specialists,
March Location - TIU11 & Mapleton Riverside Park
Tuesday, March 18
Wednesday, March 19
School Counselor Network (K-12)
Title: School Counselor Network (K-12)
Date: 3/28/25
Time: 9 am - Noon
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The School Counselor Network is an opportunity for school counselors from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other counselors on the biggest topics in our area.
Friday, March 28
STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
Tier #1 Session Full implementation of PA’s Integrated STEELS Academic Standards and revised PSSA Science Testing format will begin school year 2025-2026. In preparation for this transition, we are offering an immersive experience for the look and feel of the shift in science pedagogy for all administrators and educators. Take away practices and protocols to begin implementing in your classroom or context the next day.
Please bring a laptop or other device.
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, curriculum directors, educational coaches, K-12 teachers, STEM Teachers, technology and media specialists, education teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Wednesday, April 2
STEELS Special Topics, Session A
STEELS Special Topics, Session A
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier 3 STEELS PL. See prerequisites below.
Session A includes:
Equity and Inclusion
- Engage with PA’s Equitable Practices Hub
- Review the Smithsonian Science Education Centers Zero Barriers in STEM Education
* Strategies for Teaching All STEM Learners
* Instructional Strategies for All STEM Classrooms
3D Assessments
- Explore the features of equitable, high quality formative and summative assessments
- Critique sample summative assessments
- Determine “must haves” for 3D assessments
Integrating STEELS and ELA K-5
Participants provided with:
- Varied daily/weekly science and engineering scheduling options
- Sample unit plans including project-based integrated learning
- Q & A Session
Meeting the pedagogical shifts to move towards the new STEELS Standards is more than just learning the 3-Dimensions. It requires that educators engage students in frequent opportunities to talk with one another to “figure out” the phenomena and to make sense of investigations and data collected. One framework to do this is Project/Problem-based learning, which integrates subject areas, encouraging students to use their strengths and represent their learning in multiple ways.
For 3-Dimensional Formative and Summative Assessments we “test what (and how) we teach. Frequent formative assessments monitor changes in student’s thinking. Summative assessments have a variety of question/response types and several open-ended questions to allow students to “show what they know.”
Tier 1: At least one Tier #1 Professional Learning Session
Tier 2: Ambitious Science Teaching Sessions #1-#4
Strongly recommended: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, science leads/department chairs, instructional coaches, K-12 teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Thursday, April 3
STEELS Special Topics, Session B
STEELS Special Topics, Session B
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier 3 Professional Learning. Please see prerequisites below.
Session B includes:
Equity, Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Review the CAST UDL Principles
- Engage with an interactive infographic that pairs principles of UDL with the 3- Dimensions
STEM: Integrating TE Within STEELS K-12
- In addition to the Science Standards, the Technology and Engineering (TE) Standards are for all students. Many of the new TE Standards will be part of STEM Program curricula.
- TE Standards are also to be integrated with the sciences, K-12.
- And, TE Standards are to be integrated within Project/Problem-based Learning, including multiple subject areas.
- Take a deep dive into the TE grade bands, noticing progressions before, within and after your grade level.
- Strategies and Examples for TE integration will be shared.
- Investigate integrated exemplars created by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology for all grade bands.
- Time to begin a grade level and/or K-12 STEM/TE Integration Plan will be provided.
Critiquing and Shifting Towards Phenomena-based 3-Dimensional Curricula
- NGSS Lesson Screener Tool
- Next Generation Science Storylines
- Ambitious Science Teaching S#2 Unit Plan Share-outs
Equity, inclusion and belonging are tenets of PA’s Equitable Practices. The STEELS Standards are intended for all learners at every school. Use the principles of Universal Design for Learning to remove barriers to learning, invite all students to take advantage of tools and technology to support successful learning and share the variety of ways you encourage your students to show what they’ve learned.
"The integration of these disciplines in the standards highlights the interconnectedness of scientific, technological, and engineering focused study; the integral relationship between humans and the environment; and the importance of integrating the teaching and learning of science, technology, and engineering.” June 2022 PDE STEELS
“Technology & Engineering - Focuses on the interactions among technology, engineering, society, the environment, and other disciplines, with a goal of developing individuals that can create, utilize, and assess current and emerging technologies. The standards are written as grade-banded performance expectations built around technology and engineering strands, practices, and contexts and integrated into a set of specific standards. These components are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes (hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum"
The new STEELS Standards are intended to promote integration at all grade levels, in all ways:
- the sciences integrated with technology and engineering
- technology and engineering integrated within all the sciences
- Elementary integration: STEELS with ELA and Math
- Middle and High School STEELS integration between all subject areas
“The difference in the verbs used in the NGSS tells the story. Gone is the conception of science education as an abstract recall of facts. Instead, students demonstrate proficiency in science by engaging in actual scientific practices — in this case, developing models, designing solutions and constructing arguments. In the words of one standards author, the NGSS requires that students move from demonstrating good note-taking skills to demonstrating true understanding of scientific practices, concepts and core ideas. The resulting implications for classroom practice could not be greater.” 2013, Achieve NGSS Workbook
Our goals are to shift our teaching to engage 21st Century students in rigorous science learning.
NGSS Conceptual Shifts
- K–12 Science Education Should Reflect the real-world interconnections in science
- All practices and crosscutting concepts are used to teach all core ideas all year
- Science concepts build coherently across K-12
- The NGSS focus on deeper understanding and application of content
Integration of science and engineering - Coordination with Common Core State and STEELS Standards
Strongly recommended: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Prerequisites: At least one of these: STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators, Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams; ENGINE 3-D STEELS Educator Virtual Community of Practice (CoP)
Audience: 3-8 educators, library media specialists, special education educators
Thursday, April 3
STEELS Special Topics, Session C
STEELS Special Topics, Session C
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier 3 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Our goals are to shift our teaching to engage 21st Century students in rigorous science learning.
Conceptual Shifts
- K–12 Science Education Should Reflect the real-world interconnections in science
- All practices and crosscutting concepts are used to teach all core ideas all year
- Science concepts build coherently across K-12
- The NGSS focus on deeper understanding and application of content
- Integration of science and engineering
- Coordination with Common Core State and STEELS Standards
Description of Activity:
Tier 3 Professional Learning. Please see prerequisites below.
Must read: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Session C includes participant choices of:
Developing a cohesive unit Storyline
- Transition your current science units or curriculum towards Phenomena-base, 3-Dimensional Teaching and Learning where students can clearly make connections between activities and lessons. See Next Generation Science Storylines for a preview.
HQIM Reviews or Shifting Deep Dive and Working Session
- Explore recommended High-Quality Instruction Materials to assess their STEELS alignment and use in your district or classroom. Select and use HQIM to support aligning your current district curriculum and make recommendations to K-12 educators for the first year of STEELS implementation.
- Resources include: OpenSciEd , Ambitious Science Teaching , Lessons and Units: Quality Examples of NGSS Design , American Museum of Natural History’s Five Tools and Processes for Translating the NGSS) STEELS Into Instruction and Classroom Assessment
Integrating T&E into Science Units with T& E / EL&S Bundling
- Technology and Engineering are advancing at exponential rates and permeate many aspects of our lives. All grade levels are expected to integrate the STEELS Technology and Engineering Standards. Use the technique of “bundling” the STEELS Standards to make your teaching more effective and time saving as well as planning for students to better understand the world around them.
- Resources to support T&E integration: Engineering is Elementary (EiE)/ YES! (Youth Engineering Solutions) and Engineering by Design (EbD)
Developing STEELS aligned formative and summative assessments
- Resources include: Science Assessment Task Screening Tools
- Page Keeley’s Uncovering Student Ideas in Science , Science Probe Formative Assessments
Team Planning: Ongoing Professional Learning for teachers, STEELS Curriculum Mapping, etc.
- Develop or refine a STEELS district Mission Statement, plan for Act 80 and other professional learning days for teachers in your district, create a cohesive K-12 Curriculum Map for your district using A Framework for K- 12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas, free download , to inform the grade band progressions
- Resources include: NGSS District Implementation Indicators , Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, free download (and one copy per district)
Supporting Leading Elementary Teacher Superstars “SLEETS” for STEELS: developing science and engineering content knowledge and pedagogy to apply to one lesson or unit
Strongly recommended: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Prerequisites: At least one of these: STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators, Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams, ENGINE 3-D STEELS Educator Virtual Community of Practice (CoP), either Ambitious Science Teaching Sessions 1-6 (three full days) or participate in the Ambitious Science Teaching Book Study
Best to complete STEELS Special Topics A and B as they are foundations for the project work embedded in STEELS Special Topics C
Thursday, April 3
STEELS Special Topics a’ la carte
Description of Activity:
Tier 3 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
In order to meet all school districts in continuing their pedagogical shifts towards the STEELS Standards, we are offering this full day session with open choices for STEELS Leadership Teams. You may choose from any of the following sets of STEELS Special Topics. Email Peney to let her know which area(s) of focus you and your team or colleagues are requesting. pwright@tiu11.org
All modules will be self-guided with support and multiple districts may work with each other.
Notes: Completion of modules from both A & B are strongly recommended before any in module C.
Must read: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
STEELS Special Topics A,
*Productive Student Academic Discourse
- Equity and Inclusion: Cultural Relevance and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for ALL Students
- 3D Assessments K-12
- Integrating STEELS with ELA K-5 Integration Exemplars and Project-based Learning
STEELS Special Topics B,
- K-12 Equity, Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- STEM: Integrating T&E Within STEELS K-12
- Critiquing and Shifting Towards Phenomena-based 3-Dimensional Curricula
STEELS Special Topics C
*New: STEELS: Planning for T & E Learning and Integration
Team’s or Participants’ Choice:
- Developing a cohesive STEELS Unit Storyline
- HQIM Reviews or Shifting Units and/or Lessons DEEP DIVE and working session
- Integrating T & E; T & E / EL &S Bundling
- Developing STEELS aligned formative and summative assessments
- Team Planning: PL and Curriculum Mapping, etc…
- Elementary Teachers: developing science and engineering content knowledge and/or strengthening pedagogy
Thursday, April 3
SEL Networking (Social Emotional Learning)
Tuesday, April 9, 2025 (location will be the main TIU building)
This meeting will be the third in a series of 3 SEL Networking events to be hosted this year.
The topics to be covered this day include:
This event is free and open to all General Educators who support special education students, Emotional Support teachers and staff, Learning Support teachers and staff, Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, and any professional team member who works with students in need of enhanced social-emotional skills training! Feel free to share the link and encourage your colleagues to attend.
Lunch will be on your own.
For more information contact Betsy Cox at ecox@tiu11.org
Wednesday, April 9
Instructional Coaches Network Meeting
Title: Coaches Network
Date: 4/9/25
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: TBD
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The Coaches Network is an opportunity for academic coaches from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other coaches on the biggest topics in our area.
Wednesday, April 9
Nurses' Network
Title: Nurses Network
Date: 4/11/25
Time: 9 am - Noon
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The Nurses Network is an opportunity for school nurses from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other nurses on the biggest topics in our area.
Friday, April 11
Gifted Support Network
Title: Gifted Support Network
The Gifted Network is an opportunity for teachers who work with gifted students to come together to earn some professional development and to network with other teachers about the latest topics in their field. The specific focus of each PD session will be added at a later date.
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: 3 Act 48 Hours
Wednesday, April 16
(end times vary from 1:00pm-3:00pm depending on topics. TaC will be available for consult whole day! )
*September 26, 2024
*October 24, 2024
December 5, 2024
January 23, 2025
February 27,2025
April 24, 2025
Thursday, April 24
Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Fulton County Transition Coordinating Council Meeting
The Transition Coordinating Council is a group of like-minded individuals that wish to support students with disabilities that are of transition age (14-21), as they work towards life after high school. The goal of the group is to strengthen their knowledge in the area of transition through training, resource sharing, interagency collaboration, and networking.
This will be a year end wrap up and networking event for all agencies in the TIU 11 coverage area.
Target Audience: Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Fulton County Special Education Teachers & Administrators, Outside Agencies/Providers, Local Business Owners, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers, Parents, or Secondary Students
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 9:00-11:00 AM
Format: HYBRID-In Person and Virtual Options available
Location: To Be Determined
f you have any questions please contact:
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Tuesday, April 29
Code.org K- 5 CS Fundamentals Workshop for Elementary Teachers - Virtual
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, M.Ed. TIU 11 STEM/STEAM Curriculum and Instruction Specialist
Description of Activity: Code.org CS Fundamentals: Fully supported, free computer science curriculum and activities for Elementary Teachers
Regardless of what subject you teach, computer science is foundational knowledge for all students in the 21st century. Incorporating it into your classroom will give your students a huge leg up. Besides, this is a subject the kids love learning. With the help of this Code.org, no cost, one-day workshop for elementary school teachers, you will receive support in teaching computer science even if you have no prior experience. In addition, the activities are really fun!
What’s in a workshop?
In-person instruction from an experienced computer science facilitator, including an intro to computer science, pedagogy, overview of the online curriculum, teacher dashboard, and strategies for teaching “unplugged” classroom activities. Over 10,000 teachers have participated in a workshop and the majority say it’s the best PD they’ve ever attended.
What you'll get from this workshop:
- In-person instruction from an experienced computer science facilitator.
- An intro to computer science and pedagogy.
- An overview of the online curriculum and teacher dashboard.
- A printed curriculum guide containing course lesson plans.
- Strategies for teaching "unplugged" classroom activities.
Sign up now so you can start teaching these life-changing skills! Learn more about Code.org’s K-5 program at http://code.org/k5. Please feel free to email Peney Wright for more details. pwright@tiu11.org
Audience: elementary educators, special education teachers, ELL teachers
Wednesday, May 14
STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
Tier #1 Session Full implementation of PA’s Integrated STEELS Academic Standards and revised PSSA Science Testing format will begin school year 2025-2026. In preparation for this transition, we are offering an immersive experience for the look and feel of the shift in science pedagogy for all administrators and educators. Take away practices and protocols to begin implementing in your classroom or context the next day.
Please bring a laptop or other device.
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, curriculum directors, educational coaches, K-12 teachers, STEM Teachers, technology and media specialists, education teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright