TIU 11/PaTTAN MTSS Mini-Series
MTSS Mini-Sessions: Building the Framework
This will be offered as a virtual mini-series for all IU11 teams participating in systemic supports, and any other IU11 schools interested.
Goals: Support MTSS Teams in various stages of exploration to installation to implementation of MTSS across the IU11 catchment area with:
- Conceptual and common understanding of MTSS as a prevention model
- Resources and support to establish and implement the infrastructure of an effective, functioning MTSS
- Moving toward the use of RTI methodology to identify specific learning disability (SLD)
Teams will have the opportunity to reflect upon their systems and establish and refine infrastructure to install and implement MTSS.
All team members must register individually to receive Act 48 hours. You must attend all sessions to receive full credit.
August 16, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Overview of series, introduction to Response to Intervention (RTI) for SLD Determination Fidelity Tool, and action planning
September 19, 2024 11:00-12:00 - PA Standards-Aligned, High-Quality Core Instruction
October 17, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Universal Screening
November 21, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Shared Ownership
December 19, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Data-Based Decision Making
January 16, 2025 2:00-3:00 - Responsiveness to Intervention
February 20, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Family Engagement
March 20, 2025 11:00-12:00 - RTI/SLD Eligibility Determination
April 10, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Professional Learning
May 15, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Series closing, plan to complete the fidelity tool with each building team, and develop an action plan for subsequent school year.
Zoom link for all sessions:
Friday, August 16
Thursday, September 19
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, November 21
Thursday, December 19
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 20
Thursday, April 10
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Virtual Book Study SY 24-25 Cancelled
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity:
Tier 2 Virtual Professional learning. Please see prerequisites below.
A copy of the Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) book is available at your school district’s STEELS Resource Library. Limited copies are available through TIU’s Lending Library.
PDE and PSU’s Ambitious Responsive Science Education (PARSE) collaborative universities team recommend AST as a foundational guide for the transition to STEELS.
FREE and 65 hours of Act 48 credit
We’ll be using Google Classroom to organize all sessions and participant sharings.
What is Ambitious Science Teaching ?
Ambitious teaching can be learned. Ambitious Science Teaching supports students in tackling authentic and meaningful science phenomena with attention to students’ histories, social interactions, and local and global communities. Ambitious teaching requires that teachers develop deep commitments to student learning and a historical understanding of inequity in science and schools. Ambitious teaching takes practice. This research and website provides resources to develop a vision of ambitious science instruction for today’s complex K-12 classrooms, professional learning, and teacher education.
Questions to ask:
How is science done?
What counts as science?
Who gets to do science?
The Vision of Ambitious Science Teaching
The ambitious teacher “works with students’ ideas” over time. What would you experience in classrooms where ambitious teaching was the focus? You would see and hear:
- Teachers anchoring their instruction in complex and puzzling phenomena that are meaningful and relevant to learners. Teachers design science experiences so that science aims for justice and creates space for joy.
- Students engaging in multiple rounds of creating and revising scientific models, explanations, and evidence-based arguments, expanding ideas over time.
- Teachers use a variety of discourse strategies with students to get them to think deeply and respond to each other’s thinking about phenomena, ideas, and multiple perspectives.
- Students prompt each other to engage in sense-making talk during investigations and other activities because students are working to learn from each other’s perspectives.
- Students’ ideas being represented publicly and worked on by the class as a collective science learning community.
- Teachers use a variety of discourse strategies to support students in responding to one another’s thinking, build collaborative explanations, and broadly address issues of power and positionality in the classroom and science.
- Students using evidence to advocate for justice-centered uses of science based on multiple perspectives, ideas, and questions that have broadened over time.
- Students reflect on how they learned and how they broadened what it means to participate in science together.
Participants will read chapters and sometimes watch a video before attending a 90-minute interactive virtual session every 2-3 weeks. Sessions will be recorded in the event that a participant needs to miss one or two sessions. Collaboration with peers is essential as we make these shifts to STEELS. Attendees will apply concepts, strategies and tools within their classrooms, aligning one Spring 2025 unit along the way. Act 48 hours will be granted for all three components.
For a complete list of dates and topics, please click on Detailed Schedule for AST Virtual Book Study SY 24-25 . Zoom link details also listed.
Completed at least one of the Tier 1 professional learning options:
- STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
- Or Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
- ENGINE 3D STEELS Educators Community of Practice (CoP)
- TIU 11 and District offered Introduction to STEELS
Strongly recommended prerequisite:
Read A Framework for K-12 Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2021), free download This ground-breaking research is the foundation of STEELS.
Wednesday, September 25
Read Chapter 1 A Vision of Ambitious Science Teaching
- Watch Video AST An Overview 17:19
Select and share a unit you’ll be working on.
Select a partner to work with.
MoreWednesday, October 16
Read Chapter 2 Core Practice Set #1 Planning for Engagement with Big Science Ideas
- Watch Video Planning for Engagement with Big Science Ideas 15:27 and introduction to anchoring events 23:56
Wednesday, October 30
Read Chapter 3 Productive Discourse, Part I Talk as a Tool for Learning
Apply these Talk Moves early and in support of P#2
MoreWednesday, November 13
Read Chapter 4 Productive Discourse, Part 2 Encouraging More Students to Participate in Talk
Video examples shared during session
introduction to anchoring events 23:56
MoreTuesday, November 26
Core Practice Set #2 Eliciting Students’ Ideas
- Watch Video Overview: Eliciting Students’ Ideas 16:29
- Read Chapter 5 Core Practice Set #2 Eliciting Students’ Ideas
Eliciting student’s ideas 17:33
Eliciting students' ideas (2) 16:29
Wednesday, December 18
Watch video: modeling in the science classroom 24:01
- Read Chapter 6 Modeling, Part 1 Making Thinking Visible Through Models
Wednesday, January 8
Chapter 7 Modeling, Part 2
Allowing Students to Show What They Know
- Watch the Video Supporting Ongoing Changes in Thinking 21:51
Chapter 8 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Introducing New Ideas
MoreWednesday, January 29
Chapter 9 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Activity and Sense-making
Chapter 10 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Collective Thinking
MoreWednesday, February 19
Wednesday, March 12
- Watch the Video Pressing for Evidence-Based Explanations 19:04
Chapter 12 Core Practice Set #4
Drawing Together Evidence-based Explanations
- Watch the Video Co-constructing Summary Tables 22:55
Wednesday, April 2
- Chapter 13 Organizing with Colleagues to Improve Teaching
- Prep for Assessments discussion
- Scenario-based, 3D aligned assessments At session
Wednesday, April 23
Chapter 14 Can We Be Ambitious Every Day?
- Appendix A Coherence Between AST and Professional Standards for Practice
- Appendix B Reminding Ourselves of the Bigger Picture of Instruction
- Appendix C Taxonomy of Tools (and Strategies)
- Appendix D How to Help Students Understand the “What-How-Why” Levels of Explanation
- Appendix E Rapid Survey of Student Thinking (RSST) Tool
- Appendix F Supports for Students Making Sense of Experimental Design and Purpose
- Appendix G Supporting Explanation Writing
Wednesday, May 7
ENGINE of Central PA: Fall 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual Cancelled
ENGINE of Central PA: Fall 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, Jeff Remington
Tier #1 Series Our goals are to begin conversations about the shift towards the new Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Academic Science Standards (STEELS) that were fully adopted in June 2022. A series of ten interactive webinars will include an
introduction to Phenomena-based science education, 3D teaching and learning, equity and inclusion, Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Student Performance Expectations, PBL,
Productive Student Discourse, Technology and Engineering Integration, 3D Assessments, and Reviewing and Critiquing for High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM.) Sessions build upon knowledge, pedagogy and practices of
the preceding ones. It is recommended that all are taken, in order, to develop a foundation for this shift in science education.
Asynchronous work is required: pre-reading one STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief, posted reflections regarding the readings, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join virtually in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix.
Fall Series: Thursdays 9/26/24 – 2/6/25 4:00 – 5:30 pm
For a full list of sessions and dates, click on Fall '24-25 ENGINE 3D STEELS Educator CoP.
Number of Participant Activity Hours: 35.0 Location: Virtual
Time(s): 4:00-5:30 pm
Audience: Administrators K-12 educators, STEM teachers, library media specialists, special education educators
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Thursday, September 26
Thursday, February 6
Act 89 Staff Meetings
This meeting is for Act 89 Staff and Principals only.
Wednesday, November 20
Tuesday, January 28
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, March 19
Tuesday, April 15
Tuesday, May 6
Tier #1 ENGINE of Central PA: Spring 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual
Tier #1 ENGINE of Central PA: Spring 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, Jeff Remington
Tier #1 Series Our goals are to begin conversations about the shift towards the new Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Academic Science Standards (STEELS) that were fully adopted in June 2022. A series of ten interactive webinars will include an introduction to Phenomena-based science education, 3D teaching and learning, equity and inclusion, Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Student Performance Expectations, PBL, Productive Student Discourse, Technology and Engineering Integration, 3D Assessments, and Reviewing and Critiquing for High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM.) Sessions build upon knowledge, pedagogy and practices of the preceding ones. It is recommended that all are taken, in order, to develop a foundation for this shift in science education.
Asynchronous work is required: pre-reading one STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief, posted reflections regarding the readings, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join virtually in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. For a full list of sessions and dates, click on Spring 'SY 23-24 ENGINE 3-D STEELS Educator CoP
Series closes June 31, 2024.
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Date(s): Series: Tuesdays 1/7/25 – 5/13/25
Number of Participant Activity 48 Hours: 35.0
Location: Virtual
Audience: Administrators K-12 educators, STEM teachers, library media specialists, special education educators
Tuesday, January 7
Tuesday, May 13
Winter Book Study - The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog
The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog
Authors: Dr. Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz
Facilitated by Betsy Cox
In this classic work of developmental psychology, renowned psychiatrist and the coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestseller What Happened to You? reveals how trauma affects children—and outlines the path to recovery. How does trauma affect a child's mind—and how can that mind recover? Child psychiatrist Dr. Bruce D. Perry has helped children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, murder witnesses, kidnapped teenagers, and victims of family violence. In the classic The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, Dr. Perry tells their stories of trauma and transformation and shares their lessons of courage, humanity, and hope. Deftly combining unforgettable case histories with his own compassionate, insightful strategies for rehabilitation, Perry explains what happens to children’s brains when they are exposed to extreme stress—and reveals the unexpected measures that can be taken to ease such pain and help them grow into healthy adults. Only when we understand the science of the mind and the power of love and nurturing can we hope to heal the spirit of even the most wounded child.
Format: Zoom Meetings (Link will be shared via email on 11/1/2024)
Audience: Any regular or special education teacher interested in a flexible way to earn Act 48 hours. Specials teachers are also welcome!
How it works:
● Check out the book from the library or purchase it. Begin reading and be sure to note anything that is “discussion worthy” as we will likely circle back to those areas in our meetings. This is a long and meaty book, so pace yourself.
● The discussion outline will be emailed to you on November 1, 2024. There will be 4 live Zoom meetings that are required in order to receive your credit hours for this offering. Links will be provided in the forthcoming email.
● Be prepared to participate in Zoom discussions as outlined from 3:00-4:00pm on the following dates:
○ Thursday, January 9, 2025
○ Thursday, February 6, 2025
○ Thursday, March 6, 2025
○ Thursday, April 3, 2025
● You will receive 4 participation hours for each session that you attend, totaling 16 hours upon completion of the course. You will not receive hours for any dates that you do not join the live Zoom session. A certificate with your credit hours will be issued upon completion of the book study.
Thursday, January 9
Thursday, February 6
Thursday, March 6
Thursday, April 3
Safety Care Recertification (HASD Only)
Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is a re-certification. You must verify that your training date is within 1 year of your last training or within 3 months after that date (grace period). There will be a charge for materials and processing, which will be invoiced to you. 1/2 hour lunch on your own.
Monday, January 20
Defusing Challenging Behaviors with Positive Behavior Classrooms (HASD Only)
Defusing Challenging Behaviors with Positive Behavior Classrooms (HASD Only)
Monday, January 20
Health/PE Training
Title: Health/PE Training
Description: Elementary HPE Teachers will be provided two individualized sessions.
Session 1 will include information on how to enhance health at the elementary level. Teachers will navigate building a strategic plan to enhance the delivery of health education. Session 2 will look at monitoring their equipment within and outside of the school. Teachers will look at new ways to utilize all available tools to maximize the use of equipment and materials in their physical education classes.
Secondary HPE teachers will be provided two individualized sessions. Session 1 will look at monitoring their equipment within and outside of the school. Teachers will look at new ways to utilize all available tools to maximize the use of equipment and materials in their physical education classes. Session 2 will evaluate their current PE program. The
purpose of this session is to provide teachers with tools to incorporate more lifelong fitness into their PE program.
Date: January 20, 2025
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
Location: Virtual - Teams link will be provided by PDE. Virtual Link: https://paiu.zoom.us/j/95138153143
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Monday, January 20
STEELS District Leadership Teams Fall & Spring Meetings
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity:
Prerequisite: Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
Tier #2 Session For established school district STEELS Leadership Teams who have completed the Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams professional learning. Continued support for the STEELS Rollout towards full implementation beginning in SY ‘25-26. Sessions will include school districts’ updates, collaboration and application of district planning resources. All team members encouraged to attend; special topics will be featured.
Special Topics to include:
- STEM for All Learners
- 3-Dimensional Assessments
- Integrating STEELS at the Elementary Level and Secondary Level
- Technology and Engineering Standards Integration
- Shifting and/or Selecting High Quality Instructional Materials
- STEM/STEAM and Computer Science with STEELS
- Planning for T & E Learning and Integration K-12
Advanced Projects may include:
- Developing a cohesive unit Storyline
- HQIM Reviews or Shifting Deep Dive and Working Session
- Developing STEELS aligned formative and summative assessments
- Supporting Leading Elementary Teacher Superstars “SLEETS” for STEELS
- Team Planning: Ongoing Professional Learning for teachers, STEELS Curriculum Mapping, etc.
Alternate dates which also offer these opportunities are Special Topics A on 11/16/24, Special Topics B on 1/15/25, Special Topics C on 11/14/24 or 2/25/25 and STEELS: Planning for T & E Learning and Integration on 2/26/25. A STEELS Special Topics a’ la carte 4/3/25 will also include choice of STEELS modules.
Wednesday, January 22
Shared Waters: Turnkey Curriculum for 2nd – 5th Grades Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (EL & S) Education
Shared Waters: Turnkey Curriculum for 2nd – 5th Grades Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (EL & S) Education
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity:
Shared Waters enriches education by integrating Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEE) into school curricula, providing resources for teachers and actionable learning for students. It aims to cultivate environmental literacy and sustainability, transforming students into knowledgeable advocates who can identify and solve local watershed issues. It provides a comprehensive curriculum, ready-to-use instructional materials, and professional development to foster the next generation of environmental stewards right from their classrooms.
The Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) is a learner-centered framework that focuses on investigations into local environmental issues and leads to informed action. MWEEs are made up of multiple components that include learning both outdoors and in the classroom that are designed to increase environmental literacy by actively engaging students in building knowledge and meaning through hands-on experiences contribute to stronger, sustainable, and equitable communities.
Through turnkey classroom-tested curriculum, hands-on science kits, and professional development, the Shared Waters team assists administrators and teachers in seamlessly embedding standards-aligned environmental literacy and sustainability education into the district and school curriculum.
Be enrolled or complete the MWEE 101 Online Course, 6-8 hours, Act 48 credit awarded
Become an EL & S MWEE TIU 11 Partner! Eligible for an EL& S mini grant up to $2,000.00 for your district’s program.
- Attend the MWEE 101 Online Course
- Attend the 1-day Shared Waters Professional Learning
- Submit an implementation plan and share feedback about your program
Time(s): 8:30 am – 3:30 pm Audience: 2 nd – 5 th grades educators, STEM teachers, library media specialists, literacy coaches, special education educators, administrators, paraprofessionals
Thursday, January 23
(end times vary from 1:00pm-3:00pm depending on topics. TaC will be available for consult whole day! )
*September 26, 2024
*October 24, 2024
December 5, 2024
January 23, 2025
February 27,2025
April 24, 2025
Thursday, January 23
Curriculum Advisory Council
Thursday, January 23
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #3 AST Practice 2 - Eliciting Students’ Ideas [Half- day AM] Cancelled
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #3 AST Practice 2 - Eliciting Students’ Ideas [Half- day AM]
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright and Eric Yoder
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Description of Activity: Why do we use these particular four practices?
Our main objective as science teachers is to change students’ thinking over time, so we need to know what our students understand about the target science ideas in the first place. This set of practices—eliciting students’ ideas—is used at the beginning of a unit of instruction. It is designed to 1) reveal the range of resources that students use to reason about a set of science ideas (working theories, everyday experiences, language), 2) activate their prior knowledge about the topic, and 3) help you to adapt upcoming instruction, based on how students reason about the anchoring event. Please note that this set of practices is about more than “hooking” students or temporarily capturing their interest.
In this session learn about the importance of Productive Student Discourse, using culturally relevant and their own words, to communicate, figure out and make sense of science concepts.
During this session, we will focus on:
- Modeling eliciting students’ questions and ideas as well as activating prior knowledge
- Supporting students to represent their thinking publicly
- Science and Engineering Practice of developing and using models: students modeling as a technique for explaining student thinking
- Making student thinking visible
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website (Getting Started) and watch the Eliciting students’ ideas video ,16;39. Also read Ambitious Science Teaching: Chapters 5-7, Appendix C
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Book Study – Virtual Sessions begin September 29 th , 2024 and with Session #2 on October 16 th , 2024.
Prerequisites include:
- AST Session #1: Introduction to Ambitious Science Teaching and Culturally Relevant Science Teaching
- AST Session #2: Practice 1 - Planning for Big Ideas
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete details.
Tuesday, January 28
Strategies for Teaching STEELS: Open Sci Ed Institute Cancelled
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Free to all TIU 11 regional participants
Description of Activity: In support of the STEELS Standards full implementation next year, OpenSciEd offers essential teaching routines, protocols and strategies to meet qualitative, rigorous, high level instruction and learning for all students. Although you do not have to use the free OpenSciEd curriculum, exemplar units are available for middle school and high school. Elementary units have begun to be released, one per grade level K-5. More to come through 2026.
School districts across PA and the nation are using OpenSciEd to support their science programs. EdReports states that OpenSciEd middle school (the initial series developed) “meets expectations for Alignment and Usability. In Gateway 1, the materials meet expectations for Three-Dimensional Learning and Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning. In Gateway 2, the materials meet expectations for Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions. In Gateway 3, the materials meet expectations for Usability.” 2023
Goals: Creating classrooms with inspired educators & motivated learners.
OpenSciEd empowers educators to go beyond traditional science teaching methods by bringing together leading science researchers and educators to craft curriculum that is aligned to how students learn best.
“My students have begun to realize they have the power and the knowledge to plan and investigate how the world works around them.” 7th Grade Teacher
Prerequisites: STEELS Experience K-12, an introduction to STEELS, or ENGINE 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice
Highly recommended: Read A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Check ins and support to follow throughout the school year.
Free to all TIU 11 regional participants
Non-TIU 11 regional participants: $450.00 for all 3 days
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
PBIS Tier 1 Training Southern Fulton Elementary Staff
Positive Behavior Training Southern Fulton Elementary Staff
PBIS Tier 1 Training, Southern Fulton Elementary Staff
8:30am-3pm each of the following dates:
Aug 9
Oct 22
Jan 28
Mar 19
May 7
Instructor Elizabeth Cox ecox@tiu11.org
Tuesday, January 28
TIU Rover Mobile Makerspace Sneak Peak with the Carnegie Science Center
TIU is readying to debut its new mobile makerspace. The Rover will be hitting the road chock full of advanced manufacturing technology, including a 3D printer, laser engraver, vinyl printer and cutter, a CNC router, and more.
Join us for a fun, hands-on sneak peak of our new equipment and activities, developed and co-facilitated by the Pittsburgh's Carnegie Science Center, to engage students of all ages in digital design and making.
Each session will be unique, so feel free to register for more than one session!
Act 48 credit is available by session, each session is 2.5 hours.
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
For this session, we'll be piloting one of our activities for elementary students - foamcore cars. The session will also include an overview additional workshops, design challenges, and camps available in our catalog.
Foamcore Cars (K-4th grade): Get your creative wheels rolling! Participants will design and laser cut custom cars from foamcore, then test to see how far their car can overcome friction and carry an object.
MoreFor this session, we'll be piloting one of our activities for grades 4-12 - foamcore gliders. The session will also include an overview additional workshops, design challenges, and camps available in our catalog.
Foamcore Gliders (Gr. 4-12): Let your imagination… fly! In this project workshop, students model what real-life engineers are doing around the world. Participants learn about the physics of flight, take a brief detour into biology, then design and create their own custom gliders.
Thursday, January 30
For this session, we'll be piloting one of our activities for grades 5-8 - acrylic cells. The session will also include an overview additional workshops, design challenges, and camps available in our catalog.
Acrylic Cells (5th – 8th grade): Digital fabrication and biology come together in an unexpected way in this project workshop. Students work with software to design their own plant or animal cell models, which are then etched and cut from acrylic plastic on a fast and accurate laser cutter.
MoreFor this session, we'll be piloting one of our activities for grades 3-8 - "Good Flag, Bad Flag, Your Flag." The session will also include an overview additional workshops, design challenges, and camps available in our catalog.
Good Flag, Bad Flag, Your Flag: 3rd - 8th Grade
Can you say vexillologist 5 times fast? This project workshop serves as an introduction to the world of graphic design. Students will learn about the basic design elements that help to make a good flag, then design their own flag in the multipurpose software Inkscape using those principles. Students can then turn their unique flags into a sticker using a vinyl printer-cutter.
Friday, January 31
For this session, we'll be piloting one of our activities for grades 4-12 - 3D printed keychains. The session will also include an overview additional workshops, design challenges, and camps available in our catalog.
Keychains: As an engaging intro into the world of digital fabrication, students learn how to use CAD software to manipulate a CNC machine to create customizable key tags, either laser cut from acrylic or wood, or 3D printed from PLA or PETG plastic. No prior making experience is required.
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #4 AST Practice 3 - Supporting on-going changes in thinking [Half-day PM] Cancelled
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #4 AST Practice 3 - Supporting on-going changes in thinking [Half-day PM]
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Description of Activity: Supporting on-going changes in thinking
Throughout any unit of instruction, students are frequently engaged in different types of activity. For example, students might do hands-on work with materials, use computer simulations, conduct observations of phenomena, design experiments, or collect and analyze different types of data. The purpose of this set of practices is to help students develop new ideas to use in revising explanations and models for the anchoring phenomena.
We want to make clear that this set of practices should be repeated multiple times throughout a unit. Multiple activities and multiple rounds of sense making are required to build towards a deep understanding of an explanatory model. A single activity is not enough to accomplish this.
Ambitious Science Teaching Practice #3 involves supporting ongoing changes in students’ thinking about scientific concepts. This practice recognizes that science learning is an iterative process that requires students to continuously revisit and revise their prior understandings and beliefs as they encounter new information and evidence.
In Session #4 we will delve deeply into meeting the Three Core Practices which support ongoing changes in thinking within an immersive experience:
- Introducing new ideas
- Engaging students in activity and sense making
- Collective thinking
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website (Getting Started) and watch the Supporting on-going changes in thinking video ,21:52. Also read Ambitious Science Teaching: Chapters 8 - 11, Appendices D-E
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Book Study – Virtual Sessions begin September 29 th , 2024 and with Session #2 on October 16 th , 2024.
Prerequisites include:
- At least one Tier #1 PL
- AST Sessions #1 - #3
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete details.
Tuesday, January 28
Safety Care Recertification Training
Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is a re-certification training. There will be a $7.00 charge for materials and processing. 1/2 hour lunch on your own. We need a minimum of 6 people in order to run the training.
Tuesday, February 4
Open-ended Math Items--Day 2
Participants will:
- be able to understand the writing criteria of open-ended questions.
- be able to understand and develop open-ended question rubrics based on the alignment to standards and Eligible Content.
- understand the scoring process and score of open-ended questions.
- be able to develop a writing process for writing open-ended questions.
- be able to incorporate the Standards of Mathematical Practices in student questioning techniques.
Training information
Audience: Grades 3-8 math and Algebra 1 teachers will be the focus, but all are welcome to attend.
When: February 4, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Where: TIU 11, McVeytown, PA
Cost: $20
Lunch will be provided.
Tuesday, February 4
Shared Waters: EL & S Turnkey Elementary Curriculum for STEELS Leaders
Shared Waters: EL & S Turnkey Elementary Curriculum for STEELS Leaders
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity: Train-the-Trainer or LEA Leadership Professional Learning
Shared Waters enriches education by integrating Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEE) into school curricula, providing resources for teachers and actionable learning for students. It aims to cultivate environmental literacy and sustainability, transforming students into knowledgeable advocates who can identify and solve local watershed issues. It provides a comprehensive curriculum, ready-to-use instructional materials, and professional development to foster the next generation of environmental stewards right from their classrooms.
The Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) is a learner-centered framework that focuses on investigations into local environmental issues and leads to informed action. MWEEs are made up of multiple components that include learning both outdoors and in the classroom that are designed to increase environmental literacy by actively engaging students in building knowledge and meaning through hands-on experiences contribute to stronger, sustainable, and equitable communities.
Through turnkey classroom-tested curriculum, hands-on science kits, and professional development, the Shared Waters team assists administrators and teachers in seamlessly embedding standards-aligned environmental literacy and sustainability education into the district and school curriculum.
Time(s): 8:30 am – 3:30 pm Audience: IU STEM PoCs, Administrators, literacy coaches, Curriculum Coordinators, science chairs or district leaders, districtwide STEELS Leadership Team Members
Thursday, February 6
Huntingdon/Fulton County Transition Coordinating Council Meetings 24-25
The Huntingdon/Fulton County Transition Coordinating Council is a group of like-minded individuals that wish to support students with disabilities that are of transition age (14-21), as they work towards life after high school. The goal of the group is to strengthen their knowledge in the area of transition through training, resource sharing, interagency collaboration, and networking.
Target Audience: Huntingdon and Fulton County Special Education Teachers & Administrators, Outside Agencies/Providers, Local Business Owners, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers, Parents, or Secondary Students
*These meetings will be held via Zoom. Virtual Meeting Link will be sent to participants upon registration
If you have any questions please contact:
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Tuesday, February 11
SEL Networking (Social Emotional Learning)
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 (location will be the main TIU building)
This meeting will be the second in a series of 3 SEL Networking events to be hosted this year.
The topic to be covered this day:
- Executive Functioning: everything you need to know!
This event is free and open to all General Educators who support special education students, Emotional Support teachers and staff, Learning Support teachers and staff, Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, and any professional team member who works with students in need of enhanced social-emotional skills training! Feel free to share the link and encourage your colleagues to attend.
Lunch will be on your own.
For more information contact Betsy Cox at ecox@tiu11.org
Wednesday, February 12
Mifflin/Juniata County Transition Coordinating Council Meetings 24-25
The Mifflin/Juniata County Transition Coordinating Council is a group of like-minded individuals that wish to support students with disabilities that are of transition age (14-21), as they work towards life after high school. The goal of the group is to strengthen their knowledge in the area of transition through training, resource sharing, interagency collaboration, and networking.
Target Audience: Mifflin and Juniata County Special Education Teachers & Administrators, Outside Agencies/Providers, Local Business Owners, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers, Parents, or Secondary Students
*These meetings will be held via Zoom. Virtual Meeting Link will be sent to participants upon registration
If you have any questions please contact:
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Thursday, February 13
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #5 AST Practice 4 - Evidence-based Explanations Cancelled
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #5 AST Practice 4 - Evidence-based Explanations
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below:
Description of Activity: Pressing for evidence-based explanations
This final set of practices will help students construct a final, evidence-based explanatory model for an anchoring event. The goals of this practice are:
- Engage all students in authentic disciplinary discourse around using evidence to support explanations.
- Hold students accountable for using multiple sources of information to construct final explanatory models for the anchoring event (this accountability of course must be supported by scaffolding and guidance from you).
- Support students in using evidence to support different aspects of their explanatory models.
The goals are for educators to:
- Support students in using evidence to account for different aspects of their explanatory model.
- Hold students accountable for using multiple sources of information to construct final explanatory models for the anchoring event.
- Engage all students in authentic disciplinary discourse around constructing and defending explanations.
When we think about drawing together evidence-based explanations, we have to have a great deal of scaffolding and support to allow students to think across significant lengths of curricular time.
In Session #5, we will model and practice Pressing for Evidence-Based Explanations including:
- Co-constructing a “Gotta-Have-List”
- Synthesizing learning with Consensus Models and Summary Tables
- Pressing for Gapless Explanations
- Assessing for Understanding
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website (Getting Started) and watch the Eliciting students’ ideas video ,16;39. Also read Ambitious Science Teaching: Chapters 11-12, Appendices F-G
Prerequisites include:
- At least one Tier #1 PL
- AST Sessions #1 - #4
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete details.
Wednesday, February 19
STEELS Curriculum Exemplar: Introduction to OpenSciEd, Free
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright and Eric Yoder
Description of Activity: Join us for this interactive introductory session for OpenSciEd, a curriculum exemplar and leader in the field for Culturally Relevant, Phenomena-based, 3-Dimensional teaching and learning.
In support of the STEELS Standards full implementation next year, OpenSciEd offers essential teaching routines, protocols and strategies to meet qualitative, rigorous, high level instruction and learning for all students. Although you do not have to use the free OpenSciEd curriculum, exemplar units are available for middle school and high school. Elementary units have begun to be released, one per grade level K-5. More to come through 2026.
Creating classrooms with inspired educators & motivated learners.
OpenSciEd empowers educators to go beyond traditional science teaching methods by bringing together leading science researchers and educators to craft curriculum that is aligned to how students learn best and aligned with STEELS.
Decades of research make it clear that transformative professional learning is critical for elevating instruction to the next level. OpenSciEd’s robust, curriculum-based PL was developed alongside our instructional materials and field tested to ensure it is relevant and impactful. Teachers who attend our professional learning:
Build confidence in their ability to facilitate student learning that positions students to make sense of the world around them.
Deepen their content knowledge as they experience new ways of learning science together.
Gain an in-depth understanding of OpenSciEd’s instructional approach that starts with students’ questions and moves to deep conceptual understanding.
Join a growing nationwide network of educators who are passionate about ensuring all kids can excel in science.
Wednesday, February 19
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #6 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Cancelled
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #6 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Description of Activity: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
To make science learning available and relevant to all students, teachers should create learning experiences that are designed to involve students' different levels of knowledge, appreciate cultural and language differences and help them feel like they belong in the classroom. A student's experiences are important in helping them understand science in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them and when we create a space for these ideas to be shared, learning flourishes.
Students do not come to school as” blank slates.” They have varied experiences with the natural and man-made/designed world that build their funds of knowledge. This prior learning contributes to the learning space that can universally support the instruction of the whole class.
To ensure that science teaching and learning is accessible and relevant to all students, educators need to prioritize intentionally designed learning tasks that engage students' varying knowledge bases, value cultural and linguistic diversity, and promote a sense of belonging.
To make sure that science is taught in a way that everyone can understand and connect with, teachers should focus on creating learning experiences that take into account the different backgrounds and experiences of their students. This includes considering their cultural and language diversity and helping them feel like they belong in the classroom.
In this session, we will focus on methods of
- Drawing on student prior knowledge
- Maintaining rigor and high expectations for all students
- Creating a safe space/community of learners where all feel safe to participate
- Valuing cultural and linguistic diversity by framing cultural and linguistic diversity as an asset
- Applying Cultural Relevance to the unit you begun planning in Session #2
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website (Getting Started) and watch the Eliciting students’ ideas video ,16;39. Also read Ambitious Science Teaching: Chapters 13-14
Prerequisites include:
- At least one Tier #1 PL
- AST Session #1 - #5
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete details.
Wednesday, February 19
Nurses' Network
Title: Nurses Network
Date: 2/21/25
Time: 9 am - Noon
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The Nurses Network is an opportunity for school nurses from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other nurses on the biggest topics in our area.
Friday, February 21
Compassion Resilience
Title: Compassion Resilience
Description: Compassion resilience will affect you differently depending on your history, identity, and social position in your organization. Still, there are practical steps you can take to further your compassion—for self and others—as well as increase your resiliency to the inevitable stressors inherent in meaningful work: This is compassion in action.
Guiding Questions:
- What is compassion resilience?
- What role does self-compassion play in resilience and, conversely, fatigue?
- How can knowing our values help us make quicker, more effective decisions?
- What does it mean to take compassionate action steps when managing conflict?
- Why do boundaries and reasonable expectations increase resilience?
Dates: February 21, 2025 OR March 28, 2025 (Seperate registration for each session)
Time: 10 am to 11 am
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265 (Link is the same for both sessions.)
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes