TIU 11/PaTTAN MTSS Mini-Series
MTSS Mini-Sessions: Building the Framework
This will be offered as a virtual mini-series for all IU11 teams participating in systemic supports, and any other IU11 schools interested.
Goals: Support MTSS Teams in various stages of exploration to installation to implementation of MTSS across the IU11 catchment area with:
- Conceptual and common understanding of MTSS as a prevention model
- Resources and support to establish and implement the infrastructure of an effective, functioning MTSS
- Moving toward the use of RTI methodology to identify specific learning disability (SLD)
Teams will have the opportunity to reflect upon their systems and establish and refine infrastructure to install and implement MTSS.
All team members must register individually to receive Act 48 hours. You must attend all sessions to receive full credit.
August 16, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Overview of series, introduction to Response to Intervention (RTI) for SLD Determination Fidelity Tool, and action planning
September 19, 2024 11:00-12:00 - PA Standards-Aligned, High-Quality Core Instruction
October 17, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Universal Screening
November 21, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Shared Ownership
December 19, 2024 11:00-12:00 - Data-Based Decision Making
January 16, 2025 2:00-3:00 - Responsiveness to Intervention
February 20, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Family Engagement
March 20, 2025 11:00-12:00 - RTI/SLD Eligibility Determination
April 10, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Professional Learning
May 15, 2025 11:00-12:00 - Series closing, plan to complete the fidelity tool with each building team, and develop an action plan for subsequent school year.
Zoom link for all sessions:
Friday, August 16
Thursday, September 19
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, November 21
Thursday, December 19
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 20
Thursday, April 10
Safety Care Initial Training CFSD
Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is an initial training, and not a re-certification. There will be a $7.00 charge for materials and processing.
Training: Initial Safety Care Training (Open Sessions) Day 1 and Day 2
Who: CFSD Staff
When: August 20, 2024 and October 14, 2024
Time: 8am-3:30pm each day
Where: Central Fulton School District (Building TBD)
Maximum Participants: 20
Lunch will be about 30 minutes and on your own. We would encourage that you pack your lunch for the day.
Tuesday, August 20
Monday, October 14
Wyndham Gettysburg September 20, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.: Registration
9:20 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.: Welcome & Service Awards (Salon ABCD) Dr. Shawn Kovac
10:15 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.: General Session (Salon ABCD)Obstacle to Opportunity presented by Derrick Tennant
Derrick Tennant made the most of a tragedy in his life by creating an opportunity for a career. As a promising athlete, Tennant was progressing in his dream for a career in sports when one evening he laid down but did not wake up for three days.
Paralyzed and in a coma, Tennant underwent brain surgery from which he became unable to move his left side. It would take years of therapy to relearn the basics like walking, talking and simple daily tasks. Tennant is still unable to use his left arm and he walks with a limp, but he has learned a lot through this process.
When it comes to a corporate entertainment it's important to find an act that can both make you laugh, and effectively communicate a powerful message. Having overcome a lot in his life, Tennant is just that act. Bringing his message of turning “Obstacles into Opportunities”, Tennant inspires, motivates and energizes his audience and keeps them smiling all along.
11:20 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.: Kades-Margolis (Salon ABCD) G. Mark Blaschak
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: LUNCH (Salon ABCD)
***** PLEASE Select one breakout session from each time frame.
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.: Breakout Session 1 (SELECT ONLY ONE)
- 1A. Continuing the Conversation with Derrick (Salon ABC) Derrick Tennant
- 1B. AI Tools and Privacy (Eisenhower Room) Josh Wakefield, Jigar Patel and Dr. Eric Yoder
- 1C. It’s Just a Bump On the Head . . . Or Is It? (Salon EF) Lisa Kruse and Betsy Cox
- 1D. Destress and Decompress: A Self-Guided Wellness Workshop (Salon D) Denise Shugarts and Dawn Lynn
1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: BREAK
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.: Breakout Session 2 (SELECT ONLY ONE)
- 2E. Let’s Focus on T.I. YOU! (Lincoln Room) Karin Knode and Lori McMonigal
- 2F. HR and You (Stars and Stripes Room) Stephanie Bilger
- 2G. Learning about Your Team (Salon D Room) Alicia Hull and Timothy Miller
- 2H. A11Y: Did You Know?!? (Salon EF) Staci Young and Erin McManamon
- 2I. What’s New in Ed Tech at TIU 11 (Eisenhower Room) Josh Wakefield, Jigar Patel and Dr. Eric Yoder
2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Submit Evaluation and Departure
Friday, September 20
9:20 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Welcome & Service Awards (Salon ABC) Dr. Shawn Kovac
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. General Session (Salon ABC) Obstacle to Opportunity Derrick Tennant
11:15 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. Kades-Margolis (Salon ABC) G. Mark Blaschak
11:35 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Equitable Solutions (Salon ABC) Tyrell Bowman
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly woven into the fabric of our daily professional and personal lives, understanding and safeguarding privacy is more crucial than ever. This session will explore the complex interplay between AI technologies and privacy concerns. We will share the latest advancements in AI tools, the data they collect, and the implications for privacy rights. We will discuss practical strategies for implementing AI
responsibly, ensuring compliance with privacy laws, and maintaining public trust. (Note: AI was used to tweak and modify this description).
Presenters: Jigar Patel, Josh Wakefield, Eric Yoder
MoreIt’s just a bump on the head, or is it? What happens when the brain is injured and how can it affect daily learning and behavior? Join us as we learn about how the brain functions and how acquired brain injuries can affect students’ academic performance. Our IU has a team of trained individuals who support students with brain injuries through the PDE statewide initiative, BrainSteps. In this interactive session, we will explore learning interventions and
strategies and provide resources.
PRESENTERS: Lisa Kruse and Betsy Cox, TaC
MoreThis interactive workshop will leave you feeling zen and recharged! Join the presenters as they guide you through resilience building exercises and skills that are designed for everybody to use in everyday life. Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to life’s stressors. In other words, resilience is our ability to bounce back when we are faced with challenges. Destress and Decompress will be comprised of multiple stations of wellness practices that our participants will rotate through. Some examples of stations include chair
yoga/chair stretching, mandala station, journaling, and more!
PRESENTERS: Denise Shugarts, LSW and Dawn Lynn; TaC
MoreOur mission at TIU is Connecting people, Building communities, and Improving lives. Each one of us contributes to this mission in unique ways through diverse programming and service delivery. The Annual Inservice provides an awesome opportunity for us to be together and get to know our fellow TIU colleagues a little better. Join us to participate in an interactive networking session that will get participants up, moving, and chatting through a series of structured activities. Participants will have fun, strengthen relationships, and also obtain at least four specific group activities that they can take and use at a future meeting, training,
conference, or family reunion when they wish to make connections before diving into content!
Presenters: Karin Knode, Lori McMonigal
MoreThis session is designed to provide, in one place, the key resources needed for employees to understand benefits and HR practices/policies of the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit #11. We will cover general HR information, benefits overview, FMLA, contact information, employee portal tips and tricks, and any legal updates.
Presenter: Stephanie Bilger
More In the Native American culture, the medicine wheel explores similarities and differences in people and how this diversity impacts teamwork. Exploring the
characteristics of each part of the wheel will help participants determine how each of them contributes to their team, who they work best with, and how to appreciate and improve their working relationships with those who might be a challenge to work with.
Presenters: Alicia Hull, Tim Miller
MoreJoin us to optimize the power of the technology sitting in the palm of your hand!
We will dive into features within the platform you access daily AND you will learn
how these accessibility (A11Y) features may help you in your everyday life! Bring
along your mobile device and get ready to explore!
PRESENTERS: Staci Young and Erin McManamon
In this session, presenters will highlight changes in Ed Tech and showcase new tools in the TIU 11 toolkit that will benefit our employees, programs, and districts. We will share updates from the technology department that highlight new software availability and processes for making sure your devices and accounts are secured.
Presenters: Jigar Patel, Josh Wakefield, Eric Yoder
MoreAmbitious Science Teaching (AST) Virtual Book Study SY 24-25
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity:
Tier 2 Virtual Professional learning. Please see prerequisites below.
A copy of the Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) book is available at your school district’s STEELS Resource Library. Limited copies are available through TIU’s Lending Library.
PDE and PSU’s Ambitious Responsive Science Education (PARSE) collaborative universities team recommend AST as a foundational guide for the transition to STEELS.
FREE and 65 hours of Act 48 credit
We’ll be using Google Classroom to organize all sessions and participant sharings.
What is Ambitious Science Teaching ?
Ambitious teaching can be learned. Ambitious Science Teaching supports students in tackling authentic and meaningful science phenomena with attention to students’ histories, social interactions, and local and global communities. Ambitious teaching requires that teachers develop deep commitments to student learning and a historical understanding of inequity in science and schools. Ambitious teaching takes practice. This research and website provides resources to develop a vision of ambitious science instruction for today’s complex K-12 classrooms, professional learning, and teacher education.
Questions to ask:
How is science done?
What counts as science?
Who gets to do science?
The Vision of Ambitious Science Teaching
The ambitious teacher “works with students’ ideas” over time. What would you experience in classrooms where ambitious teaching was the focus? You would see and hear:
- Teachers anchoring their instruction in complex and puzzling phenomena that are meaningful and relevant to learners. Teachers design science experiences so that science aims for justice and creates space for joy.
- Students engaging in multiple rounds of creating and revising scientific models, explanations, and evidence-based arguments, expanding ideas over time.
- Teachers use a variety of discourse strategies with students to get them to think deeply and respond to each other’s thinking about phenomena, ideas, and multiple perspectives.
- Students prompt each other to engage in sense-making talk during investigations and other activities because students are working to learn from each other’s perspectives.
- Students’ ideas being represented publicly and worked on by the class as a collective science learning community.
- Teachers use a variety of discourse strategies to support students in responding to one another’s thinking, build collaborative explanations, and broadly address issues of power and positionality in the classroom and science.
- Students using evidence to advocate for justice-centered uses of science based on multiple perspectives, ideas, and questions that have broadened over time.
- Students reflect on how they learned and how they broadened what it means to participate in science together.
Participants will read chapters and sometimes watch a video before attending a 90-minute interactive virtual session every 2-3 weeks. Sessions will be recorded in the event that a participant needs to miss one or two sessions. Collaboration with peers is essential as we make these shifts to STEELS. Attendees will apply concepts, strategies and tools within their classrooms, aligning one Spring 2025 unit along the way. Act 48 hours will be granted for all three components.
For a complete list of dates and topics, please click on Detailed Schedule for AST Virtual Book Study SY 24-25 . Zoom link details also listed.
Completed at least one of the Tier 1 professional learning options:
- STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
- Or Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
- ENGINE 3D STEELS Educators Community of Practice (CoP)
- TIU 11 and District offered Introduction to STEELS
Strongly recommended prerequisite:
Read A Framework for K-12 Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2021), free download This ground-breaking research is the foundation of STEELS.
Wednesday, September 25
Read Chapter 1 A Vision of Ambitious Science Teaching
- Watch Video AST An Overview 17:19
Select and share a unit you’ll be working on.
Select a partner to work with.
MoreWednesday, October 16
Read Chapter 2 Core Practice Set #1 Planning for Engagement with Big Science Ideas
- Watch Video Planning for Engagement with Big Science Ideas 15:27 and introduction to anchoring events 23:56
Wednesday, October 30
Read Chapter 3 Productive Discourse, Part I Talk as a Tool for Learning
Apply these Talk Moves early and in support of P#2
MoreWednesday, November 13
Read Chapter 4 Productive Discourse, Part 2 Encouraging More Students to Participate in Talk
Video examples shared during session
introduction to anchoring events 23:56
MoreTuesday, November 26
Core Practice Set #2 Eliciting Students’ Ideas
Watch Video Overview: Eliciting Students’ Ideas 16:29
Read Chapter 5 Core Practice Set #2 Eliciting Students’ Ideas
Eliciting student’s ideas 17:33
Eliciting students' ideas (2) 16:29
Wednesday, December 18
Watch video: modeling in the science classroom 24:01
Read Chapter 6 Modeling, Part 1 Making Thinking Visible Through Models
Wednesday, January 8
Chapter 7 Modeling, Part 2
Allowing Students to Show What They Know
Watch the Video Supporting Ongoing Changes in Thinking 21:51
Chapter 8 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Introducing New Ideas
MoreWednesday, January 29
Chapter 9 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Activity and Sense-making
Chapter 10 Core Practice Set #3
Supporting On-going Changes in Thinking: Collective Thinking
MoreWednesday, February 19
Wednesday, March 12
Watch the Video Pressing for Evidence-Based Explanations 19:04
Chapter 12 Core Practice Set #4
Drawing Together Evidence-based Explanations
- Watch the Video Co-constructing Summary Tables 22:55
Wednesday, April 2
- Chapter 13 Organizing with Colleagues to Improve Teaching
- Prep for Assessments discussion
- Scenario-based, 3D aligned assessments At session
Wednesday, April 23
Chapter 14 Can We Be Ambitious Every Day?
- Appendix A Coherence Between AST and Professional Standards for Practice
- Appendix B Reminding Ourselves of the Bigger Picture of Instruction
- Appendix C Taxonomy of Tools (and Strategies)
- Appendix D How to Help Students Understand the “What-How-Why” Levels of Explanation
- Appendix E Rapid Survey of Student Thinking (RSST) Tool
- Appendix F Supports for Students Making Sense of Experimental Design and Purpose
- Appendix G Supporting Explanation Writing
Wednesday, May 7
STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
Tier #1 Session Full implementation of PA’s Integrated STEELS Academic Standards and revised PSSA Science Testing format will begin school year 2025-2026. In preparation for this transition, we are offering an immersive experience for the look and feel of the shift in science pedagogy for all administrators and educators. Take away practices and protocols to begin implementing in your classroom or context the next day.
Please bring a laptop or other device.
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, curriculum directors, educational coaches, K-12 teachers, STEM Teachers, technology and media specialists, education teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Wednesday, September 25
ENGINE of Central PA: Fall 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual
ENGINE of Central PA: Fall 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, Jeff Remington
Tier #1 Series Our goals are to begin conversations about the shift towards the new Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Academic Science Standards (STEELS) that were fully adopted in June 2022. A series of ten interactive webinars will include an
introduction to Phenomena-based science education, 3D teaching and learning, equity and inclusion, Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Student Performance Expectations, PBL,
Productive Student Discourse, Technology and Engineering Integration, 3D Assessments, and Reviewing and Critiquing for High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM.) Sessions build upon knowledge, pedagogy and practices of
the preceding ones. It is recommended that all are taken, in order, to develop a foundation for this shift in science education.
Asynchronous work is required: pre-reading one STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief, posted reflections regarding the readings, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join virtually in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix.
Fall Series: Thursdays 9/26/24 – 2/6/25 4:00 – 5:30 pm
For a full list of sessions and dates, click on Fall '24-25 ENGINE 3D STEELS Educator CoP.
Number of Participant Activity Hours: 35.0 Location: Virtual
Time(s): 4:00-5:30 pm
Audience: Administrators K-12 educators, STEM teachers, library media specialists, special education educators
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Thursday, September 26
Thursday, February 6
School Counselor Network (Middle & High School)
Title: School Counselor Network (Middle & High School)
Date: 9/27/24
Time: 9 am - Noon
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The School Counselor Network is an opportunity for school counselors from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other counselors on the biggest topics in our area.
Friday, September 27
Safety Care Recertification Training (Open)
Training: Safety Care Recertification Training
Who: All Districts
Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is a re-certification. You must verify that your training date is within 1 year of your last training or within 3 months after that date (grace period). There will be a charge for materials and processing, which will be invoiced to you. 1/2 hour lunch on your own.
When: September 30, 2024
Time: 8am-3:30pm
Where: HCCTC Annex Building
13221 Big Valley Pike
Mill Creek, PA 17060
Parking is available in the stone lot across Rt655.
Enter through the side door on Rt 655.
Max: 20 people
Monday, September 30
IEP Essentials Training
IEP Essentials Training
Intended Audience: Special Education teachers responsible for the development and
implementation of IEP’s in grades K-12.
During this in-person training, participants will learn about the
special education evaluation process, compliance with special
education timelines, the required elements for each section of
the Individualized Education Program (IEP), as well as best
practice considerations for preparing for and conducting an
IEP meeting.
Following this training, participants will be able to:
● Identify the components of the special education evaluation and reevaluation
● Understand the required participants in an IEP team and how frequently the IEP
team must meet
● Describe the parent/guardian role as a member of the IEP team
● Determine the sections of an IEP that must be considered when checking “yes” in
special considerations
● Summarize the required elements of the present levels of academic achievement
and functional performance section of the IEP
● Interpret the circumstances under which a student's progress toward current
measurable annual goals should be included in the present levels of academic
achievement and functional performance section of the IEP
● Understand when secondary transition planning must occur for a student with a
disability, the three areas of postsecondary planning, and how to develop
postsecondary transition goals
● Summarize appropriate state and local assessment accommodations as well as
criteria for eligibility for alternate assessments
● Develop measurable annual goal that are aligned with areas of need
● Understand the purpose of progress reporting and requirements for sharing
progress data with caregivers
● Describe the requirements for ongoing data collection to determine if a student is
eligible to receive extended school year services
● Summarize the purpose of related services and provide examples of related
● Identify common components to inclusive educational practices
● Tell the difference between accommodations and modifications
● Understand the elements of the educational placement section of the IEP
including the difference between regular education class and general education
curriculum, amount/type of special education, and how to calculate amount of
special education
● Describe considerations to ensure family engagement at an IEP team meeting
● Explain best practices for conducting an IEP team meeting
*Act 48 hours will be awarded to all participants
Additional Information-
Parking is available in the stone lot across Rt 655.
Enter through the side door on Rt 655.
There will be a TIU 11 Training Event sign at the entrance.
Lunch will be on your own so please plan accordingly. There is a refrigerator and microwave available on-site for your use. There are limited restaurants available within a short driving distance, so you may prefer to pack a lunch.
Tuesday, October 1
Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams (Day #2)
Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams (Day #2)
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, Eric Yoder
Tier #1 Session Full implementation of PA’s Integrated STEELS Academic Standards and revised PSSA Science Testing format will begin school year 2025-2026. In preparation for this transition, we are offering a series of two workshop sessions. In session #1, participants will have an immersive experience for the look and feel of the shift in science pedagogy. (STEELS Experience for K-12 Teachers)
Session #2 supports educators unpacking the new standards’ characteristics and format, focusing on student performance expectations, taking a deep dive into grade level and grade band STEELS 3-dimensional standards, reviewing productive student discourse in classrooms and discussing project-based learning pedagogy to meet student performance expectations; followed by district wide time for creating a plan of action for the district and curriculum mapping.
- Teams will set goals and plan regularly scheduled meetings and IU check-ins.
- Minimum of seven per team.
- Act 48 credit will be awarded.
Strongly Recommended: Assemble a team of at least one district-level administrator, curriculum and instruction director, special education director, one building administrator, one K-2 teacher, one 3-5 teacher, one middle school teacher, one high school teacher, a STEM teacher, one or more special education teachers, one or more ELL teachers, an instructional coach, and/or guidance counselors.
Recommended prerequisite: School Leaders Establishing Foundations for the STEELS Academic Standards: NGSX PLANS
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Wednesday, October 2
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #1 Introduction to Ambitious Science Teaching and Culturally Relevant Science Teaching [Half-day AM]
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #1 Introduction to Ambitious Science Teaching and Culturally Relevant Science Teaching [Half-day AM]
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright and Eric Yoder
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Description of Activity: What is Ambitious Science Teaching?
Great teaching can be learned. Our website provides a vision of ambitious science instruction for elementary, middle school and high school classrooms. Ambitious teaching deliberately aims to support students of all backgrounds to deeply understand science ideas, participate in the activities of the discipline, and solve authentic problems.
It features 4 core sets of teaching practices that support these goals. These core sets make up the Ambitious Science Teaching Framework. The framework has been based on classroom research from the past 30 years—research that has asked, “What kinds of talk, tasks, and tools do students need in order to fully engage in meaningful forms of science learning?”
During this introductory session we will focus on:
- Research-based science pedagogy from knowledge to practice
- Shared experiences immersed in a brief demonstration science lesson
- Reflect on our current science teaching practices
- Explore AST’s seven foundations of the four main practices
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website and watch the AST Overview video, 17:19. Also, read Ambitious Science Teaching: Preface - Chapter 1 (Softback book available from your STEELS Leadership Team, 1 copy, and from TIU 11’s Lending Library (4 copies available.)
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Book Study – Virtual Sessions begin September 29 th , 2024 and with Session #2 on October 16 th , 2024.
Prerequisites include one or more of the following Tier #1 STEELS PL:
- School Leaders Establishing Foundations for the STEELS Academic Standards: NGSX PLANS
- Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
- STEELS Experience for K-12 Teachers
- SY ‘23-24 ENGINE of Central PA STEM Ecosystem: 3-Dimensional STEELS Educator Community of Practice (CoP)
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete details.
Thursday, October 3
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #2 AST Practice 1 - Planning for engagement with important science ideas [Half-day PM]
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Session #2 AST Practice 1 - Planning for engagement with important science ideas [Half-day PM]
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright and Eric Yoder
Tier #2 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Planning practices for designing a unit of instruction.
Important ideas in science are about the relationships between a natural phenomenon and a causal explanation that helps us understand why something in the world unfolds the way it does (phenomena are events or processes— things that happen). Studying events or processes rather than “things” or abstract ideas really interests students and helps them develop deep and interconnected understandings of science concepts.
Model a set of protocols in developing or shifting lessons and units to focus on the Big Ideas, the Disciplinary Core Ideas, that we want students to learn. Bring one unit to shift towards phenomena-based, 3D Teaching and Learning to “self pilot” in Fall 2024. Use an AST model unit plan as an exemplar for sessions #2-#5
Highly Recommended: Visit https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/ to preview the website (Getting Started) and watch
the Planning for engagement with important science ideas video, 15;27. Also read Ambitious Science Teaching: Chapters 2-4, Appendices A and B
Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Book Study – Virtual Sessions begin September 29 th , 2024 and with Session #2 on October 16 th , 2024.
Prerequisites include one or more of the following Tier #1 STEELS PL:
- School Leaders Establishing Foundations for the STEELS Academic Standards: NGSX PLANS
- Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
- STEELS Experience for K-12 Teachers
- SY ‘23-24 ENGINE of Central PA STEM Ecosystem: 3-Dimensional STEELS Educator Community of Practice (CoP)
Note: Selected sessions will be recorded and made available for an asynchronous option. Asynchronous work to include pre-reading of the website and/or AST paperback, viewing AST videos, posted reflections regarding the readings and videos, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. Please contact Peney at pwright@tiu11.org for complete
Thursday, October 3
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs)
Instructor(s): Peney Wright, Eric Yoder
Description of Activity: All of central Pennsylvania is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and there are five other watersheds that our state impact. Pennsylvania is committed to protecting these precious natural resources. A water shed is land area whose runoff drains into any river, stream, lake, and/or ocean. However, runoff from fields, lawns, pavement, and construction sites could carry potentially harmful materials from our watersheds to our rivers, bays and oceans. Even if you live, work, or play far from a river, your actions could have an impact on the quality of the water in many areas. Grants are available to fund MWEEs.
What is a MWEE?
A MWEE is…students exploring real world issues…in the field and in the classroom…students using evidence to draw conclusions and… take action! MWEEs use project-based methods, as well as, student voice and choice to engage learners in Local Issues Definition and Research, Outdoor Field Experiences, Synthesis and Conclusion, all leading towards Stewardship and Civic Action. These essential 4 student supporting practices are structured by active teacher support, local context, classroom integration and sustained activity.
Environmental Education and Advocate Stakeholders urge all school districts to engage learners in at least one MWEE in elementary, one MWEE in middle school and one MWEE in high school. MWEEs support the STEELS Standards. During MWEE Session #1 we’ll
walk you through a MWEE in action. In Session #2 we will spend most of the day engaging is an Outdoor Field Experience. There will be time during the second session for preliminary planning for your own MWEE.
Prerequisite: Online MWEE 101 Course
Asynchronous work: One MWEE unit plan must be completed within 30 after the workshop.
Audience: all PreK-12 educators, library/media specialists, STEM Specialists,
October Location - HCCTC & Mapleton Riverside Park
Wednesday, October 9
Thursday, October 10
SEL Networking (Social Emotional Learning) Cancelled
This meeting will be the first in a series of 3 SEL Networking events to be hosted this year.
The topics to be covered this day include:
This event is free and open to all General Educators who support special education students, Emotional Support teachers and staff, Learning Support teachers and staff, Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, and any professional team member who works with students in need of enhanced social-emotional skills training! Feel free to share the link and encourage your colleagues to attend.
Due to the ongoing renovation at the main TIU11 office site, the location for this training will be the HCCTC Annex Building in Mill Creek. The address is 13221 Big Valley Pike Mill Creek, PA 17060. Parking is available in the stone lot across Rt 655. You enter through the side door on Rt 655. There will be a TIU 11 Training Event sign at the entrance.
Lunch will be on your own. Please be advised that there is a refrigerator and microwave available on-site, so feel free to pack something to eat. There is a deli approx. 5 minutes away, but choices for restaurants is limited so please plan accordingly.
Wednesday, October 9
IEP Essentials Training
IEP Essentials Training
Intended Audience: Special Education teachers responsible for the development and
implementation of IEP’s in grades K-12.
During this in-person training, participants will learn about the
special education evaluation process, compliance with special
education timelines, the required elements for each section of
the Individualized Education Program (IEP), as well as best
practice considerations for preparing for and conducting an
IEP meeting.
Following this training, participants will be able to:
● Identify the components of the special education evaluation and reevaluation
● Understand the required participants in an IEP team and how frequently the IEP
team must meet
● Describe the parent/guardian role as a member of the IEP team
● Determine the sections of an IEP that must be considered when checking “yes” in
special considerations
● Summarize the required elements of the present levels of academic achievement
and functional performance section of the IEP
● Interpret the circumstances under which a student's progress toward current
measurable annual goals should be included in the present levels of academic
achievement and functional performance section of the IEP
● Understand when secondary transition planning must occur for a student with a
disability, the three areas of postsecondary planning, and how to develop
postsecondary transition goals
● Summarize appropriate state and local assessment accommodations as well as
criteria for eligibility for alternate assessments
● Develop measurable annual goal that are aligned with areas of need
● Understand the purpose of progress reporting and requirements for sharing
progress data with caregivers
● Describe the requirements for ongoing data collection to determine if a student is
eligible to receive extended school year services
● Summarize the purpose of related services and provide examples of related
● Identify common components to inclusive educational practices
● Tell the difference between accommodations and modifications
● Understand the elements of the educational placement section of the IEP
including the difference between regular education class and general education
curriculum, amount/type of special education, and how to calculate amount of
special education
● Describe considerations to ensure family engagement at an IEP team meeting
● Explain best practices for conducting an IEP team meeting
*Act 48 hours will be awarded to all participants
Additional Information-
Parking is available in the stone lot across Rt 655.
Enter through the side door on Rt 655.
There will be a TIU 11 Training Event sign at the entrance.
Lunch will be on your own so please plan accordingly. There is a refrigerator and microwave available on-site for your use. There are limited restaurants available within a short driving distance, so you may prefer to pack a lunch.
Thursday, October 10
Initial Safety Care Lite (Chapters 1-4)
Event Safety Care Initial "Lite" Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is an initial training, and not a re-certification. There will be a $7.00 charge for materials and processing.only includes chapters 1-4 and does not include physical management procedures.
Monday, October 14
Huntingdon/Fulton County Transition Coordinating Council Meetings 24-25
The Huntingdon/Fulton County Transition Coordinating Council is a group of like-minded individuals that wish to support students with disabilities that are of transition age (14-21), as they work towards life after high school. The goal of the group is to strengthen their knowledge in the area of transition through training, resource sharing, interagency collaboration, and networking.
Target Audience: Huntingdon and Fulton County Special Education Teachers & Administrators, Outside Agencies/Providers, Local Business Owners, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers, Parents, or Secondary Students
*These meetings will be held via Zoom. Virtual Meeting Link will be sent to participants upon registration
If you have any questions please contact:
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Tuesday, October 15
Mifflin/Juniata County Transition Coordinating Council Meetings 24-25
The Mifflin/Juniata County Transition Coordinating Council is a group of like-minded individuals that wish to support students with disabilities that are of transition age (14-21), as they work towards life after high school. The goal of the group is to strengthen their knowledge in the area of transition through training, resource sharing, interagency collaboration, and networking.
Target Audience: Mifflin and Juniata County Special Education Teachers & Administrators, Outside Agencies/Providers, Local Business Owners, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers, Parents, or Secondary Students
*These meetings will be held via Zoom. Virtual Meeting Link will be sent to participants upon registration
If you have any questions please contact:
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Thursday, October 17
Instructional Coaches Network Meeting
Title: Coaches Network
Date: 10/16/24
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: TBD
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The Coaches Network is an opportunity for academic coaches from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other coaches on the biggest topics in our area.
Thursday, October 17
Math Professional Development-Measures & Interventions for Numeracy Development
TIU 11 is pleased to offer an exciting opportunity for Math Professional Development for the 2024-2025 school year. This PD will focus on using Measures & Interventions for Numeracy Development (M.I.N.D) to increase computation fluency. This training is intended for elementary teachers who are not using Spring Math as a classwide intervention and for all K-12 Special Education Teachers.
Anyone can attend this training, but only district teams are eligible for the grant. We are looking for district/building level teams, consisting of up to four teachers, to attend the training.
This training will provide teachers with a step by step plan to build support for implementation of the M.I.N.D. math materials and how to use Curriculum-Based Assessment to differentiate instruction. Participants will learn research-based progress monitoring approaches and how to troubleshoot and alter instructional practices to ensure adequate student response. All grant recipients will receive a copy of the text, "Effective Math Interventions", which is Co-Authored by Dr. BrianPoncy.
Training Dates:
October 22, 2024-In-person training with Dr. Poncy
13221 Big Valley Pike, Mill Creek, PA 17060
6.5 Act 48 hours will be awarded
The virtual sessions are for the school teams that are awarded the math grant. Times will be determined at a later date. An additional 6 Act 48 hours will be awarded after completion of the virtual sessions)
December 10, 2024-virtual coaching session with Dr Poncy
February 25, 2025-virtual coaching session with Dr. Poncy
Additional support will be provided by the IU throughout the school year
If you have questions about this opportunity, please contact Dawn Lynn at dlynn@tiu11.org.
There will be a 50.00 charge for participants outside of the TIU11 catchment area.
Tuesday, October 22
Gifted Support Network
Title: Gifted Support Network
The Gifted Network is an opportunity for teachers who work with gifted students to come together to earn some professional development and to network with other teachers about the latest topics in their field. The specific focus of each PD session will be added at a later date.
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: 3 Act 48 Hours
Friday, October 25
STEELS District Leadership Teams Fall & Spring Meetings
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Description of Activity:
Prerequisite: Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams
Tier #2 Session For established school district STEELS Leadership Teams who have completed the Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams professional learning. Continued support for the STEELS Rollout towards full implementation beginning in SY ‘25-26. Sessions will include school districts’ updates, collaboration and application of district planning resources. All team members encouraged to attend; special topics will be featured.
Special Topics to include:
- STEM for All Learners
- 3-Dimensional Assessments
- Integrating STEELS at the Elementary Level and Secondary Level
- Technology and Engineering Standards Integration
- Shifting and/or Selecting High Quality Instructional Materials
- STEM/STEAM and Computer Science with STEELS
- Planning for T & E Learning and Integration K-12
Advanced Projects may include:
- Developing a cohesive unit Storyline
- HQIM Reviews or Shifting Deep Dive and Working Session
- Developing STEELS aligned formative and summative assessments
- Supporting Leading Elementary Teacher Superstars “SLEETS” for STEELS
- Team Planning: Ongoing Professional Learning for teachers, STEELS Curriculum Mapping, etc.
Alternate dates which also offer these opportunities are Special Topics A on 11/16/24, Special Topics B on 1/15/25, Special Topics C on 11/14/24 or 2/25/25 and STEELS: Planning for T & E Learning and Integration on 2/26/25. A STEELS Special Topics a’ la carte 4/3/25 will also include choice of STEELS modules.
Tuesday, October 29
Transition Coordinator Networking Event
Transition Coordinator Networking Event
Topics to be covered on this day include:
Secondary Transition Planning for Students with High Support Needs
This event is free and open to Transition Coordinators, Special Education Administrators, and/or Special Education Teachers who support secondary students with primary disability categories of Intellectual Disability, Autism, Multiple Disabilities, and/or Other Health Impairment. Join us to collaborate regarding transition services, activities, resources, and other supports that you utilize to assist students with high support needs in planning for postsecondary training or education, employment, and independent living after high school.
Due to ongoing renovation at the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit main office in McVeytown, PA, the location for this training will be the HCCTC Annex Building in Mill Creek, PA.
Staci Young, TIU 11 Educational Consultant
Wednesday October 30, 2024
9:00 am-3:00 pm
HCCTC Annex Building
13221 Big Valley Pike
Mill Creek, PA 17060
Additional Information:
Parking is available in the stone lot across Route 655. You will enter through the side door on Route 655. There will be a TIU 11 training event sign at the entrance.
- Lunch will be on your own. There is a kitchen on site with a refrigerator and microwave. Local dining options are limited. Please plan accordingly.
- Please contact Staci Young by email: syoung@tiu11org or by phone 814-542-2501x1126 if you have any questions.
Wednesday, October 30
Safety Care Initial Training November 5 & 6, 2024 (Open)
Safety-Care is a training program for staff working with children, adolescents, or adults who may exhibit challenging or dangerous behavior. Participants in the course learn a wide variety of prevention skills so that they can each contribute to a physical and social environment that encourages behavior patterns that are positive and safe. Please note that this is an initial training, and not a re-certification. There will be a $7.00 charge for materials and processing.
Training: Initial Safety Care Training (Open Sessions) Day 1 and Day 2
Time: 8am-3:30pm
Where: HCCTC Annex Building
13221 Big Valley Pike
Mill Creek, PA 17060
Parking is available in the stone lot across Rt655.
Enter through the side door on Rt 655.
Tuesday, November 5
Wednesday, November 6
STEELS Special Topics, Session A
STEELS Special Topics, Session A
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier 3 STEELS PL. See prerequisites below.
Session A includes:
Equity and Inclusion
- Engage with PA’s Equitable Practices Hub
- Review the Smithsonian Science Education Centers Zero Barriers in STEM Education
* Strategies for Teaching All STEM Learners
* Instructional Strategies for All STEM Classrooms
3D Assessments
- Explore the features of equitable, high quality formative and summative assessments
- Critique sample summative assessments
- Determine “must haves” for 3D assessments
Integrating STEELS and ELA K-5
Participants provided with:
- Varied daily/weekly science and engineering scheduling options
- Sample unit plans including project-based integrated learning
- Q & A Session
Meeting the pedagogical shifts to move towards the new STEELS Standards is more than just learning the 3-Dimensions. It requires that educators engage students in frequent opportunities to talk with one another to “figure out” the phenomena and to make sense of investigations and data collected. One framework to do this is Project/Problem-based learning, which integrates subject areas, encouraging students to use their strengths and represent their learning in multiple ways.
For 3-Dimensional Formative and Summative Assessments we “test what (and how) we teach. Frequent formative assessments monitor changes in student’s thinking. Summative assessments have a variety of question/response types and several open-ended questions to allow students to “show what they know.”
Tier 1: At least one Tier #1 Professional Learning Session
Tier 2: Ambitious Science Teaching Sessions #1-#4
Strongly recommended: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, science leads/department chairs, instructional coaches, K-12 teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Wednesday, November 6
Code.org K- 5 CS Fundamentals Workshop for Elementary Teachers - Virtual
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, M.Ed. TIU 11 STEM/STEAM Curriculum and Instruction Specialist
Description of Activity: Code.org CS Fundamentals: Fully supported, free computer science curriculum and activities for Elementary Teachers
Regardless of what subject you teach, computer science is foundational knowledge for all students in the 21st century. Incorporating it into your classroom will give your students a huge leg up. Besides, this is a subject the kids love learning. With the help of this Code.org, no cost, one-day workshop for elementary school teachers, you will receive support in teaching computer science even if you have no prior experience. In addition, the activities are really fun!
What’s in a workshop?
In-person instruction from an experienced computer science facilitator, including an intro to computer science, pedagogy, overview of the online curriculum, teacher dashboard, and strategies for teaching “unplugged” classroom activities. Over 10,000 teachers have participated in a workshop and the majority say it’s the best PD they’ve ever attended.
What you'll get from this workshop:
- In-person instruction from an experienced computer science facilitator.
- An intro to computer science and pedagogy.
- An overview of the online curriculum and teacher dashboard.
- A printed curriculum guide containing course lesson plans.
- Strategies for teaching "unplugged" classroom activities.
Sign up now so you can start teaching these life-changing skills! Learn more about Code.org’s K-5 program at http://code.org/k5. Please feel free to email Peney Wright for more details. pwright@tiu11.org
Audience: elementary educators, special education teachers, ELL teachers
Wednesday, November 13
STEELS Special Topics, Session C
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Tier 3 Professional Learning. See prerequisites below.
Our goals are to shift our teaching to engage 21st Century students in rigorous science learning.
Conceptual Shifts:
- K–12 Science Education Should Reflect the real-world interconnections in science
- All practices and crosscutting concepts are used to teach all core ideas all year
- Science concepts build coherently across K-12
- The NGSS focus on deeper understanding and application of content
- Integration of science and engineering
- Coordination with Common Core State and STEELS Standards
Description of Activity:
Tier 3 Professional Learning. Please see prerequisites below.
Must read: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Session C includes participant choices of:
Developing a cohesive unit Storyline
- Transition your current science units or curriculum towards Phenomena-base, 3-Dimensional Teaching and Learning where students can clearly make connections between activities and lessons. See Next Generation Science Storylines for a preview.
HQIM Reviews or Shifting Deep Dive and Working Session
- Explore recommended High-Quality Instruction Materials to assess their STEELS alignment and use in your district or classroom. Select and use HQIM to support aligning your current district curriculum and make recommendations to K-12 educators for the first year of STEELS implementation.
- Resources include: OpenSciEd , Ambitious Science Teaching , Lessons and Units: Quality Examples of NGSS Design , American Museum of Natural History’s Five Tools and Processes for Translating )the NGSS) STEELS Into Instruction and Classroom Assessment
Integrating T&E into Science Units with T& E / EL&S Bundling
- Technology and Engineering are advancing at exponential rates and permeate many aspects of our lives. All grade levels are expected to integrate the STEELS Technology and Engineering Standards. Use the technique of “bundling” the STEELS Standards to make your teaching more effective and time saving as well as planning for students to better understand the world around them.
- Resources to support T&E integration: Engineering is Elementary (EiE)/ YES! (Youth Engineering Solutions) and Engineering by Design (EbD)
- Resources include: Science Assessment Task Screening Tools
- Page Keeley’s Uncovering Student Ideas in Science , Science Probe Formative Assessments
Team Planning: Ongoing Professional Learning for teachers, STEELS Curriculum Mapping, etc.
- Develop or refine a STEELS district Mission Statement, plan for Act 80 and other professional learning days for teachers in your district, create a cohesive K-12 Curriculum Map for your district using A Framework for K- 12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas, free download , to inform the grade
band progressions - Resources include: NGSS District Implementation Indicators , Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, free download (and one copy per district)
Supporting Leading Elementary Teacher Superstars “SLEETS” for STEELS: developing science and engineering content knowledge and pedagogy to apply to one lesson or unit
Strongly recommended: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Prerequisites: At least one of these: STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators, Implementing the STEELS Standards: Developing Science Leadership Teams, ENGINE 3-D STEELS Educator Virtual Community of Practice (CoP), either Ambitious Science Teaching Sessions 1-6 (three full days) or participate in the Ambitious Science Teaching Book Study Best to complete STEELS Special Topics A and B as they are foundations for the project work embedded in STEELS Special Topics C
Audience: 3-8 educators, library media specialists, special education educators
Thursday, November 14
Nurses' Network
Title: Nurses Network
Date: 11/20/24
Time: 9 am - Noon
Location: Virtual - https://paiu.zoom.us/j/4476176265
Department: Curriculum
Act 48: Yes
Description: The Nurses Network is an opportunity for school nurses from around the region to come together to get some professional development and converse with other nurses on the biggest topics in our area.
Friday, November 15
STEELS Experience for K-12 Educators
Tier #1 Session Full implementation of PA’s Integrated STEELS Academic Standards and revised PSSA Science Testing format will begin school year 2025-2026. In preparation for this transition, we are offering an immersive experience for the look and feel of the shift in science pedagogy for all administrators and educators. Take away practices and protocols to begin implementing in your classroom or context the next day.
Please bring a laptop or other device.
Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download
Audience: administrators, curriculum directors, educational coaches, K-12 teachers, STEM Teachers, technology and media specialists, education teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers
Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright
Wednesday, December 4
Engineering is Elementary (EiE)
Engineering is Elementary (EiE)
Instructor(s): Peney Wright, Eric Yoder
Description of Activity: With strong literacy integration, Engineering is Elementary (EiE) facilitates integrated STEM learning for your students. No prior experience with Engineering, CS or STEM expected. Comprehensive, turn-key STEM engineering design processes, place-based and local “problems,” diverse realistic characters, as well as career connections are all woven into EiE’s curricula. EiE supports the New PA STEELS Academic Standards.
Educating the Next Generation of Problem Solvers and Engineers
YES (Youth Engineering Solutions) is the evolution of the award-winning youth STEM curricula program, EiE including our flagship product, Engineering is Elementary. We educate the next generation of problem solvers through our high-quality, standards-aligned PreK–8 engineering, computer science, and STEM curricula. We invest in educators through our exceptional professional learning offerings.
Because STEM is for everyone, we’re happy to announce that our EiE and YES resources are available for free download in the Curricula section .
“EiE®, the award-winning curricula division of the Museum of Science, Boston, develops research-based, classroom-tested programs that empower children to become lifelong STEM learners and passionate problem solvers. Since 2003, we’ve designed our PreK-8 curricula to encourage all children, including those from underrepresented groups, to see themselves as engineers. Our flexible print, online and blended hands-on programs bring engineering, science and computer science together to prepare today’s students for a fast-paced, global, technology-savvy future.”
Join us for a free overview session where we will explore strong, guided and supportive online resources for teachers, digital and hardcopy storybooks, and materials/supply kits. In-person, hybrid and remote learning options are available. EiE is worth the time to take a good, long look.