Tier #1 ENGINE of Central PA: Spring 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual

January 7, 2025 - May 13, 2025


Tier #1 ENGINE of Central PA: Spring 3D STEELS Educator Community of Practice – Virtual

Instructor(s): Peney E. Wright, Jeff Remington 

Tier #1 Series Our goals are to begin conversations about the shift towards the new Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Academic Science Standards (STEELS) that were fully adopted in June 2022. A series of ten interactive webinars will include an introduction to Phenomena-based science education, 3D teaching and learning, equity and inclusion, Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Student Performance Expectations, PBL, Productive Student Discourse, Technology and Engineering Integration, 3D Assessments, and Reviewing and Critiquing for High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM.) Sessions build upon knowledge, pedagogy and practices of the preceding ones. It is recommended that all are taken, in order, to develop a foundation for this shift in science education. 

Asynchronous work is required: pre-reading one STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief, posted reflections regarding the readings, and applying what is learned to participants’ contexts. Participants may join virtually in-person, work completely asynchronously or attend as a hybrid mix. For a full list of sessions and dates, click on Spring 'SY 23-24 ENGINE 3-D STEELS Educator CoP
Series closes June 31, 2024. 

Recommended Prerequisite: read the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2012), free download

Date(s): Series: Tuesdays 1/7/25 – 5/13/25  

Number of Participant Activity 48 Hours: 35.0 

Location: Virtual 

Audience: Administrators K-12 educators, STEM teachers, library media specialists, special education educators


Registration is open until 2025-01-07

Available Credit or Activity Hours

Act 48 Activity Hours
35.0 Hours
Academic Content Studies Science


Tuesday, January 7
4 - 5:30pm
Tuesday, May 13
4 - 5:30pm