StartSOLE Inquiry Learning App
August 17, 2021 - December 9, 2021
Description of Activity: How do I start a SOLE?
Creating a SOLE is facilitating students in Self-Organized Learning Environments using an impressive and powerful app to plan, organize, implement and assess your students’ learning.
A Self-Organized Learning Environment, or SOLE, can exist anywhere there is a computer, internet connection, and students who are ready to learn. Within a SOLE, students are given the freedom to learn collaboratively using hard copy resources and the Internet.
SOLE sessions are characterized by Project Based Learning, inquiry, discovery, sharing, spontaneity and supportive teacher intervention. Every SOLE session activates learners’ creativity, requires critical thinking, and refines communication skills.
You will receive access to free tools to implement SOLE in your classroom, have time to create your own lessons, and find out how to earn Act 48 hours.
Audience: K-12 educators, library media specialists, special education educators
All sessions are the same content.
Registration closed on 2021-08-17