Empower your Classroom with Power: AAC Series Cancelled

September 19, 2019 - May 5, 2020

Special Education

Power AAC focuses on five key areas to increase the skills of educators as they learn about communication to support their students. It focuses on Powerful skills in: 
1. Partner Skills 
2. Opportunities 
3. Words in social and instructional environments 
4. Evidence for decision-making 
5. Resources for creating, sharing, and implementing for guiding your students 
Series Guidelines & Requirements: 
1. Teams will utilize the POWER:AAC Modules to support students with whom they work in their classrooms or caseloads with complex communication needs. 
2. Teams will include: Special Education Classroom Teacher AND Speech-Language Pathologist 
The following are also recommended, but not required, to participate as team members: Para Educator, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Regular Education Teacher 
3. Teams will attend four (4) in person sessions and view six (6) modules between in-person sessions. 
4. Practitioners on participating teams will video record minimally one lesson per in-person training. Video recordings will be shared with team members and IU educational consultants to help provide feedback on videos submitted by their team. 
5. Teams will commit to periodic problem-solving meetings (by Zoom meeting or onsite at the school), whereby the IU technical assistance consultant(s) will provide guidance and problem solving support for implementation 
6. Monthly activities will be assigned based on each module. 
7. Teams will commit to minimally one onsite visit at the school

Participants will learn to support students with whom they work in their classrooms or caseloads with complex support needs and who would benefit from augmentative alternative communication (AAC) through the use of core vocabulary. Participants will use a blended learning model, videos and online teaching, to explore and expand their understanding of the Power ACC modules and support their students. 

October 23, 2019 with guest speaker Lindsay Cargill can be taken alone or as part of the series.




Registration closed on 9/11/2019


Team Ticket Billed to District

$300 per team of Special Ed.  Classroom Teacher & Speech- 
Language Pathologist . 
Registration fee includes lunch and training materials. Each additional team member is welcome to join the team at a cost of $10 per day. 

Unlimited Sessions
All Days
One Session Ticket Billed to District

Cost of one day is $75.00

Unlimited Sessions
All Days


Thursday, September 19
9am - 3pm
September 19, 2019
Wednesday, October 23
9am - 3pm
October 23, 2019 - Take alone or as part of the series - AAC for Beginning Communicators: Intervention Strategies and Team Buy-in

Join us as we explore AAC intervention strategies for beginning communicators and how to establish and maintain buy-in from parents and other professionals. As an increasing number of young children are prescribed high-tech speech generating devices, teachers, parents and 
clinicians are left to determine best programming practices, vocabulary selection, teaching strategies and how to gain buy-in from other team members. Many of these answers can be found in the processes of natural language development and the principles of the Language 
Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) program. Current clinical practice shows that natural language development processes can be mirrored in AAC language development from the earliest cause and effect stages through the development of grammatical structures, even 
for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. In the earliest stages of language  development (in natural speech or using AAC), beginning communicators learn new words by connecting motor movements to their resulting auditory signal to the natural reaction they 
receive.Join us as we explore AAC intervention strategies for beginning communicators and how to establish and maintain buy-in from parents and other professionals. As an increasing number 
of young children are prescribed high-tech speech generating devices, teachers, parents and clinicians are left to determine best programming practices, vocabulary selection, teaching strategies and how to gain buy-in from other team members. Many of these answers can be found in the processes of natural language development and the principles of the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) program. Current clinical practice shows that  natural language development processes can be mirrored in AAC language development from the earliest cause and effect stages through the development of grammatical structures, even 
for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. In the earliest stages of language development (in natural speech or using AAC), beginning communicators learn new words by connecting motor movements to their resulting auditory signal to the natural reaction they 

Presenter: Lindsey Paden Cargill

Bio:  Lindsey Paden Cargill is a speech-language pathologist and the Director of Therapy Services at Bridgeway Academy, an education and therapy center for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Columbus, Ohio. Lindsey received her bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Florida, and has worked with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, cleft palate/craniofacial anomalies, hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, TBI and global delays in out-patient clinics, school-based settings and in the home. She is enthusiastic about applying research and best practices to the facilitation of language development through Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Lindsey has extensive presenting experience at many national and international conferences in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Lindsey partners with the Ohio State University’s Language Assistive Technology and Autism lab to conduct research in the area of AAC and autism; her research team has papers accepted by AJSLP and have presented at ASHA, ATIA and ISAAC.

Friday, January 17
8:30am - 3:30pm
January 17, 2020
Tuesday, May 5
8:30am - 3:30pm
May 5, 2020 Notices